Interim Tarot

All pre-orders are still in process! Second edition decks, expansion decks, and extended guidebooks ARE STILL BEING MADE! There have been delays due to health issues. Fulfilling these items is my top priority and I am hard at work!

I update monthly (approximately) on Kickstarter and you can follow that for updates with the link above. I try to get an email to all pre-orders from every couple of months.

Pre-orders are STILL OPEN, but at this time cannot be refundable except for very special circumstances. Currently I am out of stock on prior decks and most products so my full time job is CREATION so I can get your pre-orders out ASAP!

I apologize for not being as prompt to emails and inquiries. The best way to keep updated is to follow the project on Kickstarter. Thank you all for your patience and understanding and I’m thrilled to be so close to this mammoth of a project!